About Us
The West of England China Bureau (WoECB) works unstintingly to connect the people of Bristol and the South West of England with the people of China and in particular Bristol’s Sister City Guangzhou in Southern China to encourage greater mutual understanding between our two countries.
Join Bristol & West of England China Bureau and become part of the dynamic community forging business, social and cultural links between the South West of the UK and China.
China Eco System Project
A major study of the relationship between China and the South West of England. Working with key stakeholders in the region, the project analyses businesses and organisations who are linked to/operating in or with China including business, investment and academia within the Bristol & Bath region.

Our regular events include networking opportunities for businesses who want to link up with others who have an interest in China. We also have cultural events celebrating the Chinese community in Bristol & South West and China's culture, traditions and food!