Gone-With-The-Wind provides a unique source of advice and assistance for anybody considering a balloon-related event or operation anywhere in the world. We have unrivalled experience and contacts almost everywhere, can communicate in over six languages including Mandarin Chinese and Japanese, and have visited a total of over 150 countries in the course of our careers. Gone-With-The-Wind holds a UK Civil Aviation Authority Air Operators Certificate which allows commercial operations in many locations worldwide, to international air transport standards.
Our Sectors:
Aviation, Hot air ballooning, balloon consultancy, tourism development and promotion, brand-marketing, press and media, filming; balloon training and examinations; adventure travel; general aviation connections around the world; vintage aeroplanes, Beech 18; airships, gas balloons;
Website: www.gonewiththewind.uk.com
Phone Number: 00 +44(0) 777 6202 731
Facebook: www.facebook.com/allie.dunnington
Services offered to UK businesses: Gone-With-The-Wind provides a unique source of advice and assistance for anybody considering a balloon-related event or operation anywhere in the world. We have unrivalled experience and contacts almost everywhere, can communicate in over six languages including Mandarin Chinese and Japanese, and have visited a total of over 150 countries in the course of our careers. Gone-With-The-Wind holds a UK Civil Aviation Authority Air Operators Certificate which allows commercial operations in many locations worldwide, to international air transport standards.
Services offered to businesses in China: Gone-With-The-Wind provides a unique source of advice and assistance for anybody considering a balloon-related event or operation anywhere in the world. We have unrivalled experience and contacts almost everywhere, can communicate in over six languages including Mandarin Chinese and Japanese, and have visited a total of over 150 countries in the course of our careers. Gone-With-The-Wind holds a UK Civil Aviation Authority Air Operators Certificate which allows commercial operations in many locations worldwide, to international air transport standards.